
Vol. 33 No. 1 (2019)


Section: Varia

Holidays of Primate Wyszyński in Krynica

Remembrance and Justice, Vol. 33 No. 1 (2019), pages: 458-477

Publication date: 2019-06-30


C ardinal Stefan Wyszyński, Primate of Poland, spent half a year in total in Krynica- -Zdrój in the years 1951–1978. Not only did he spend time relaxing in the spa but he also worked on important matters regarding the Church in Poland and receiving many guests, both priests, including Cardinal Karol Wojtyła, and laymen, e.g. Jerzy Turowicz and Jerzy Zawieyski. He always stayed with the Sisters of Saint Elizabeth, although the detached house “Ostoja” was a special place for him – he leased it from Maria Okońska’s family. The house was turned into a guest and retreat house for young people and run by female employees of the Primate Institute. Róża Siemieńska was a director of “Ostoja” for many years and used the Primate’s support to renovate and extend the boarding house despite of the objection of the local authorities; the house has operated as the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński Educational and Formation Centre until today. The article documents holidays of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński in Krynica-Zdrój.

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Okońska M., Przez Maryję wszystko dla Boga. Wspomnienia 1920–1948, Warszawa 2008.

Siemieńska R., Opowiadam, Ząbki 2009.

Talarek K., Kapelania, ekspozytura i parafia rzymskokatolicka w Krynicy Zdroju 1827–1953, Tuchów 2007.

Wyszyński S., Pro memoria, t. 1: 1948–1952, red. P. Skibiński, Warszawa 2017.

Wyszyński S., Zdrój myśli z Krynicy, Krynica-Zdrój 2016.

Zawieyski J., Dzienniki, t. 1: Wybór z lat 1955–1959, Warszawa 2011.

Wystawa Krynickie ślady Prymasa Tysiąclecia, https://www.bibliotekakrynica.pl/krynickie-slady-prymasa-tysiaclecia.html, dostęp: 21 II 2019 r.


Vol. 33 No. 1 (2019)


Data publikacji:

Dział: Varia