View Vol. 42 No. 2 (2023)

Vol. 42 No. 2 (2023)


Section: Varia. Porozumienie 1950

Relacje prymasa Polski kard. Augusta Hlonda z reżimem komunistycznym w latach 1945–1948

Remembrance and Justice, Vol. 42 No. 2 (2023), pages: 400-418

Publication date: 2024-04-03


In the last years of his life, Cardinal August Hlond was surrounded by the aura of the steadfast Primate of Poland, who never recognised the communist regime, never met
the communist president Bolesław Bierut and did not make any concessions to the communists. In church circles, this attitude was contrasted with the attitude of Primate Stefan
Wyszyński, who concluded an agreement with the government in 1950 (this assessment was only changed by the famous was only changed by the famous “Non possumus” and his arrest). This article is based
mainly on the extensive biography Pełnia prymasostwa. Ostatnie lata prymasa Polski kardynała Augusta Hlonda 1945–1948 [Height of primacy. The last years of the Primate
of Poland, Cardinal August Hlond, 1945–1948] (Poznań 2009), written by the author of this article on the basis of many sources, often previously unknown or unavailable,
as well as previous literature. Its purpose is to show the primate’s attitude towards the regime in Poland. Primate August Hlond, who returned to the country from war emigration, was aware of the need to start talks with the communist regime and to normalise church life, especially after the breaking of the concordat. However, he believed that talks should be conducted only on specific issues, while maintaining the independence of the Church. He personally contacted only the Poznań voivode (provincial governor), Feliks Widy-Wirski, and the deputy minister of administration, Władysław Wolski. The talks basically con-
cerned one issue – the authorities’ demand that the Primate pay a visit to the President of the National Council of the Judiciary, Bolesław Bierut. The repression and fraud used by the regime during the referendum resulted in the Primate and the Episcopate sending a confidential memorandum to the authorities, in which they demanded an improvement in the situation of the Church and the nation in the state. As a result of this step, official
talks began between representatives of the episcopate and the government. The regime treated them instrumentally, interrupted them many times, nor it did keep the promi-
ses it had made, but rather it abandoned its policy of repression, and even intensified it. Cardinal Hlond, however, believed that the talks should continue. He was ready to meet Bierut (which he had previously ruled out) and began correspondence with him. This was
not due to political naivety, but to prudence and the “necessity of the moment”. Although these talks did not achieve much, they delayed the upcoming crackdown between the communists and the Church and gave them more time to mobilise their forces before the general trial.
The article slightly corrects the opinion about Cardinal Hlond as a steadfast and unyielding primate – an interrex who did not recognise the communist president and never met him, despite the regime’s efforts – but this does not diminish his greatness and merits.

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                            View Vol. 42 No. 2 (2023)

Vol. 42 No. 2 (2023)


Data publikacji:

Dział: Varia. Porozumienie 1950