
Bd. 36 Nr. 2 (2020)


Section: Studia

Organisation and activities of the Yugoslav communist propaganda in 1945–1950

Dragomir Bondžić


Institute of Contemporary History, Belgrade

Pamięć i Sprawiedliwość, Bd. 36 Nr. 2 (2020), pages: 104-117

Publication date: 2020-12-31



The article deals with the organisation and activities of the propaganda apparatus of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia, the so-called Agitprop, in the first five years after World War II. The Agitprop apparatus was a very important part of the Communist Party’s structure, and it had crucial tasks in strengthening its power. Through different forms of activities, Agitprop created a desirable public image of the Communist Party and its policy and ideology. Agitprop worked in everyday ordinary situations in factories, schools, institutions, state bodies, party meetings and special subordinated organisations, syndicates, youth organisations, women’s organisations, etc. Besides this, special mass gatherings, meetings, celebrations, parades were organised at various occasions. Great significance was attached to propaganda’s influence in educational system and culture. The main form of Communist propaganda influence was the press that was completely under the control of the Agitprop. The contents of propaganda in the observed period changed in accordance with the internal and international political situation and the main political goals and needs of Communist Party of Yugoslavia. The article is based on archival sources, published documents, press articles and relevant literature.

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Bd. 36 Nr. 2 (2020)


Data publikacji:

Dział: Studia