Samobójstwo, wypadek, a może morderstwo? Wokół śmierci Jerzego Zawieyskiego (1969 rok)
Pamięć i Sprawiedliwość, Tom 24 Nr 2 (2014), strony: 135-148
Data publikacji: 2014-12-30
The mysterious death of Jerzy Zawieyski, a playwright, editor and Catholic-political
activist, has not been fully explained. Although according to the most plausible theory
Zawieyski died on 18 June 1969 in an accident, a suicide cannot be ruled out, while there
are some people who read the participation of third parties or even political murder
elements into the case. The article will not burst the bubble of doubts. Even though the author
managed to reach some sources which had not been utilized before, the considerations
presented below will recall the tragic death of Zawieyski, underline the lack of integrity in
the actions of the former authorities and point to interpretational difficulties rather than
propose a final answer to the riddle.
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