
No. 9 (2016)


Section: Dokumenty

Zasady współpracy Wojsk Ochrony Pogranicza i Komitetu do spraw Bezpieczeństwa Publicznego w latach 1954–1956 w ujęciu oficera Zarządu II Zwiadowczego WOP ppłk. Hipolita Sławińskiego

Łukasz Grabowski

Instytut Pamięci Narodowej w Warszawie

Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, No. 9 (2016), pages: 279–306

Publication date: 2023-04-05


The process of the thorough reforms of the Ministry of the Public Security, carried out in Poland in the years 1954–1956, and the introduction of the Decree of the State Council of 7th December 1954 concerning the central organs of the state administration for the interior and public security led to an institutional change in the reporting line of the Border Guard Army. The establishment of the Ministry of the Interior, and the inclusion of the Border Guard Army in its structure, resulted in the Ministry taking over the responsibility from the dissolved Ministry of the Public Security for the security of the border and counterintelligence protection of the borderland. The cooperation with the Reconnaissance Board VII of the Border Guard Army (after following reorganizations of the Border Guard Army: the Reconnaissance Board II) was continued by operational divisions of the Public Security Committee in the years 1954–1956. Information was mutually exchanged between these units both on the central and regional level. This source edition is aimed at outlining basic information concerning the dimension and scale of the cooperation. The cooperation resulted, inter alia, in the arrest of persons suspected of passing the border illegally and acting “for a foreign intelligence service”. One of them was Adam Boryczka – a member of the Freedom and Independence Association.

Grabowski, Łukasz. (2023). Zasady współpracy Wojsk Ochrony Pogranicza i Komitetu do spraw Bezpieczeństwa Publicznego w latach 1954–1956 w ujęciu oficera Zarządu II Zwiadowczego WOP ppłk. Hipolita Sławińskiego. Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, (9), 279–306. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.ipn.gov.pl/index.php/pa/article/view/2143



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No. 9 (2016)


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Dział: Dokumenty