View No. 11 (2018)

No. 11 (2018)


Section: Dokumenty

Organizacja i zadania Departamentu Wojsk Ochrony Pogranicza w świetle dwóch instrukcji wprowadzonych w 1946 r.

Łukasz Grabowski

Instytut Pamięci Narodowej w Warszawie

Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, No. 11 (2018), pages: 203–228

Publication date: 2023-04-05


By establishing the Department of Border Protection Forces in September 1945 as the unit standing at the head of the formation, whose responsibilities were directly related to securing the state border and ensuring the proper control of border traffic, the communists made one more step towards the consolidation of their power in the post-war political reality. The established formation and, above all, its reconnaissance division, conducted operations using methods characteristic of special services. With a network of agents, the WOP (Border Protection Forces) reconnaissance effectively controlled the lives of people living in the border area and their contact with citizens from Western European countries. The cooperation of WOP and individual departments of the Ministry of Public Security also limited the citizens’ opportunities to leave the country freely. The study aims to explain the history and tasks of the reconnaissance division of the WOP. It also constitutes an addition to the few publications that cover the issues of Polish border protection after World War II.

Grabowski, Łukasz. (2023). Organizacja i zadania Departamentu Wojsk Ochrony Pogranicza w świetle dwóch instrukcji wprowadzonych w 1946 r. Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, (11), 203–228. Retrieved from



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No. 11 (2018)


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Dział: Dokumenty