
Vol. 17 No 1 (2011)


Section: Varia

Problemy społeczne Polaków w świetle analiz Biura Listów KC PZPR w latach siedemdziesiątych XX wieku

Radosław Domke

Zakład Historii Najnowszej Instytutu Historii Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego

Pamięć i Sprawiedliwość, Vol. 17 No 1 (2011), pages: 353-370

Publication date: 2011-06-30


This article, making a valuable contribution to study on changes of social sentiments, deals with the problem of numerous letters reaching the Central Committee of the Polish United Workers’ Party [KC PZPR – Komitet Centralny Polskiej Zjednoczonej Partii Robotniczej] in the 1970s. It is also an attempt to analyze changes that occurred in mentality of Poles of the Edward Gierek’s decade. That correspondence enables its today’s readers to become familiar with the economic and sociopolitical problems that bothered Polish society the most. The correspondence’s analysis shows peoples’ growing discontent with the government, resulting from their dissatisfaction with not fulfilled aroused social needs. It also indicates housing, prices and wages problems. Moreover, people writing to KC PZPR used to criticize such aspects of daily life as: party apparatus’ morality, living conditions and social injustice. However, there were high percentage of letters having a character of panegyrics on the supreme party authorities.

Domke, R. (2011). Problemy społeczne Polaków w świetle analiz Biura Listów KC PZPR w latach siedemdziesiątych XX wieku. Pamięć I Sprawiedliwość, 17(1), 353–370. Consulté à l’adresse https://czasopisma.ipn.gov.pl/index.php/pis/article/view/413



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Vol. 17 No 1 (2011)


Data publikacji:

Dział: Varia