„Budowniczy stolicy”. Warszawski mecenat Bolesława Bieruta w latach 1945–1955
Pamięć i Sprawiedliwość, Tom 24 Nr 2 (2014), strony: 75-94
Data publikacji: 2014-12-30
In the People’s Republic of Poland, Warsaw experienced two periods of accelerated
urban development. The first one was the time of reconstruction, which lasted until 1955.
The second occurred in the first half of the 1970s . Wisłostrada and Trasa Łazienkowska
were built, the Central Railway Station was erected, and design works on the underground
railway line were resumed. These activities, completely different from the stagnant
investment policies implemented by Władysław Gomułka, owed a lot to the communist party
patronage, although it would be difficult to point to specific names. The reconstruction
years were inextricably linked with Bolesław Bierut. The article analyses the maintenance