View No. 16 (2023)

No. 16 (2023)


Section: Historia

The Case of Mariusz Dastych: From Collaboration with the Security Service to Conviction for Espionage for the CIA and the Japanese Intelligence Service

Rafał Olbert

Oddział Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej we Wrocławiu

Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, No. 16 (2023), pages: 249–266

Publication date: 2023-12-29


The article discusses the course of journalist Mariusz Dastych’s complex relationship with the Security Service. He was initially praised for his operability as a secret intelligence collaborator, but in 1968 he was eliminated from the Department I agent network of the Ministry of Internal Affairs due to being unmasked. In 1973, he left the country to be an interpreter for the Polish delegation to the International Commission of Control and Supervision in Vietnam. Returning home, he informed the SB that CIA representatives had recruited him. In order to verify these revelations, Department II of the Ministry of Internal Affairs subjected him to an inquiry, and maintained an ostensible operational contact with him. They rejected the notion of conducting an operational game with the Americans through him on suspicion of the journalist’s duplicity. At the same time, Dastych, despite clear prohibitions from the SB, maintained relations with diplomats of the US embassy in Warsaw. In the early 1980s, the inquiry on Dastych was abandoned, having failed to obtain evidence of his cooperation with the CIA. However, the journalist soon found himself under SB scrutiny because of his contacts with the representation of the Japanese organisation JETRO. In 1987, he drew up an extensive account of the progression of his cooperation with the Japanese, which became the basis for his indictment as a Japanese intelligence agent, as well as American. Evidence in the case consisted statements made by the journalist himself, who was sentenced by the military court of the People’s Republic of Poland to eight years in prison for espionage.

Archiwum Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej w Warszawie: 00191/397, t. 1–2; 001043/1167; 0204/1523, t. 1–2, 4–7; 0222/778, t. 1, 5–6, 9; 0222/1746, t. 1, 15; 01220/11, t. 68; 01227/147; 1118/1103; 1118/1110; 1118/1111; 1118/1112; 2912/1.

Archiwum Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej Delegatura w Olsztynie: 100/130

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                            View No. 16 (2023)

No. 16 (2023)


Data publikacji:

Dział: Historia