View No. 15 (2022)

No. 15 (2022)


Section: Zasób archiwalny

The Worth of the Archive of the Institute of National Remembrance Repository in the Study of Middle Eastern Conflicts on the Example of the 1967 Arab-Israeli War

Przemysław Benken

Oddział Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej w Szczecinie

Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, No. 15 (2022), pages: 139–166

Publication date: 2023-07-03


In this article is an analysis regarding the extent to which the documents deposited in the Archive of the Institute of National Remembrance (IPN) can be helpful in the study of the Israeli-Arab conflicts, with particular emphasis on the 1967 war. The archival units discussed include, among others, a study prepared as early as 1967, a study of the Directorate of the II General Staff of the Polish Army (Zarząd II Sztabu Generalnego Wojska Polskiego, SG WP) devoted to the issues of air combat, the paraphrasing of Directorate II of the SG WP regarding the course of the conflict prepared for the political leadership of the People’s Republic of Poland (PRL) (on the basis of more detailed reports sent by military attachés operating at PRL embassies in particular countries of the world), as well as information collected by Departments I and III of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Ministerstwo Spraw Wewnętrznych, MSW), MSW Bureau ‘W’ and the MSW Autonomous Radio Counterintelligence Department (Samodzielny Wydział Radiokontrwywiadu). A great deal of the data presented was obtained from official sources (the press, listening to radio stations), however, some of it did come from informants. These materials, in addition to providing an overview of the war effort, contain interesting information on the internal situation of the countries involved in the conflict, as well as the attitudes of their allies and neutral countries. They also show the level of knowledge at the time in the People’s Republic of Poland about the 1967 Israeli-Arab conflict. A review of the IPN archival materials demonstrates that they could play a helpful role in describing selected aspects of the conflicts in the Middle East.

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Benken, P. (2023). The Worth of the Archive of the Institute of National Remembrance Repository in the Study of Middle Eastern Conflicts on the Example of the 1967 Arab-Israeli War. Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, (15), 139–166.



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                            View No. 15 (2022)

No. 15 (2022)


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Dział: Zasób archiwalny