
No. 12 (2019)


Section: Archiwa na świecie

Wspomnienia z wojny domowej w Kazachstanie (1918–1920) jako źródła archiwalne – na podstawie Archiwum Prezydenta Republiki Kazachstanu. Zarys problematyki

Kairat Alimgazinow

Archiwum Prezydenta Republiki Kazachstanu w Ałmaty)

Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, No. 12 (2019), pages: 151–168

Publication date: 2023-04-05


The Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Almaty contain materials regarding the civil war in Kazakhstan (1918–1920). They are memories of participants once collected by Istpart – a scientific research institution collecting sources related to the period of the introduction of Soviet power in Kazakhstan. The article first describes the history of the creation of Istpart, the process of collecting memories and diaries, and then discusses the preserved documents and political conditions that had an impact on the content of these documents. In the summary, the author emphasized that they are currently not considered reliable sources, and therefore researchers approach them with great caution. However, this does not diminish their importance as documents showing the history of communism in the 20th century.


No. 12 (2019)


Data publikacji:

Dział: Archiwa na świecie