
No. 13 (2020)


Section: Dokumenty

„Trzeba przeprowadzić faktyczną czystkę”. Raport z inspekcji przeprowadzonej w Komendzie Wojewódzkiej MO w Kielcach z siedzibą w Sandomierzu w styczniu 1945 r.

Robert Piwko


Delegatura Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej w Kielcach

Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, No. 13 (2020), pages: 297–318

Publication date: 2023-04-05



The article discusses the factors for the formation of the Sandomierz bridgehead in July and August 1944. It also draws attention to the most important aspects connected with the subsequent brief functioning of the military and civilian administration, less than half a year, in administering a fragment of the pre-war Kielce voivodeship. One of the most important issues connected with installing the communist government on the bridgehead was the establishment of the state security apparatus structures, including the Citizens’ Militia. On the basis of the findings so far and as a result of archival searches, the article outlines the beginnings of the Citizens’ Militia in the Sandomierz bridgehead. The activities of the militia are presented in a document prepared by Major Józef Kratka, an officer of the Citizens’ Militia Headquarters in Lublin. In the first days of January 1945, he carried out a comprehensive inspection of the voivodeship command, together with his companions Stanisław Glinka and Grzegorz Rajewicz. As a result, an extensive report was prepared, discussing the current state of MO functioning in the bridgehead. The document shows the internal structure of the command and the level of organisation of the field commands and posts subordinate to it. It also contains valuable information on the staff and the officers’ place in the ruling system at that time, as well as shedding some light on the problem of the professed everyday reality of the first militia.


No. 13 (2020)


Data publikacji:

Dział: Dokumenty