
No. 14 (2021)


Section: Zasób archiwalny

Komparatystyka jako wyzwanie i szansa dla edytora źródeł – projekt wydawniczy Raporty polskie Stasi 1981–1989

Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, No. 14 (2021), pages: 109–120

Publication date: 2023-04-04



In June 2020, the first volume of the publishing series of the Szczecin branch of the INR entitled ‘Polish Stasi Reports’ was published. This text discusses the most important elements leading to the initiation of the said series, as well as the key problems related to the preparation of individual volumes. These included the provenance of the files, differences in their compilation, accessibility, and above all a dissimilar philosophy in the realization of the accountability process for the communist past of the People’s Republic of Poland and former East Germany. The aim of this edition was not only to bring unknown sources on PRL history closer to the Polish reader, but also to change the paradigm in the approach to published documents. These were not meant to deal with strictly operational issues, but to answer the question regarding the state of the knowledge and recommendations that the Stasi analytical cells passed on to the GDR political leadership in the context of what was happening in the final decade of the People’s Poland.

Źródła archiwalne

Archiwum Pełnomocnika Federalnego do spraw Akt Stasi (Archiv des Bundesbeauftragten für die Stasi Unterlagen)

Centralna Grupa Analiz i Informacji (Zentrale Auswertungs- und Informationsgruppe): 13306; 13307.

Archiwum Polityczne Ministerstwa Spraw Zagranicznych RFN (Politisches Archiv des Auswärtigen Amts)

Zespół B 42, nr 139742/360.24 POL.

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No. 14 (2021)


Data publikacji:

Dział: Zasób archiwalny