
Tom 31 Nr 1 (2018)


Dział: Studia

Polityka zasad i celów. Polski obóz narodowodemokratyczny w Rosji w latach 1917–1918

Dariusz Tarasiuk

Uniwersytet im. Marii Curie-Skołodowskiej

Pamięć i Sprawiedliwość, Tom 31 Nr 1 (2018), strony: 113-121

Data publikacji: 2018-06-30


The Russian revolutions have been a major influence on the activity of the National Democracy (ND). Most importantly, they provided an opportunity for the movement to openly put forward a programme of restoration of an independent, united Polish state. All of its political activities have therefore been subordinated to this cause. One of the movement’s leaders, Stanisław Grabski, discussed the resulting priorities facing the National Democrats in Russia in his open letter dated 20 March 1917, in which he placed paramount importance on promoting the achievement of European peace and stopping Germany’s expansion to the East as a condition for a satisfactory solution to the Polish issue. In Russia, however, the ND had to refrain from speaking out in public on certain issues, such as Poland’s eastern border, as they feared that this would affect the situation of Poles then residing in Russia, if not prompt the latter to conclude a separatist peace with Germany. In this situation, the National Democracy in Russia focused mainly on publicising the anti-German elements of their political agenda and planning the creation of a Polish army to back their pro-coalition policies. Due to Russia’s declining position on the international stage, the political role of the National Democracy’s chapter in Russia was gradually weakened by the departure of its leaders towards Western Europe. Following the October Revolution, their status became precarious; once the Russian-German peace treaty was concluded, their activity had to be limited chiefly to assisting in the transfer of troops to the Polish army in France.

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Tom 31 Nr 1 (2018)


Data publikacji:

Dział: Studia