
Tom 18 Nr 2 (2011)


Dział: Varia

Obóz karny SS i policji w Maćkowach pod Gdańskiem

Jan Daniluk

Uniwersytet Gdański

Pamięć i Sprawiedliwość, Tom 18 Nr 2 (2011), strony: 217-232

Data publikacji: 2011-12-30


The SS and the police penal camp in Maćkowy near Gdańsk The article presents the establishment and operations of the SS and police penal camp in the town of Maćkowy near Gdańsk in the years 1941-1945, as well as the role played by the camp in the years 1939-1941. In addition, the article outlines the special judiciary system of the SS and the police, and the system for establishing military and police units consisting of convicted SS and police officers. The camp was set up in 1939 to serve as the barracks of a new SS unit established in Gdańsk, which played an active role in the battle of Westerplatte and the attack on the Polish Post Office. From October 1940 to July 1941, Maćkowy was the site of a Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle camp for Volksdeutsche (ethnic Germans) as well as German settlers from Lithuanian territories. When the camp was taken over by the Main Judiciary Office of the SS, the center was reconstructed and modernized (new guard towers, fencing, and barrack were added). In January 1942, the first convicts brought from KL Dachau were admitted to the camp. As of March 1942, the Maćkowy camp served as the Third Reich’s central penal camp for the SS and the police. The inmates—convicted soldiers of the SS, policemen, as well as members of security and guard forces subordinated to the special judiciary of the SS—were put to work both within the camp and outside it, mainly on farms and in municipal and SS-operated industries in Gdańsk and its vicinity. With increasing numbers of inmates and camp personnel shortages, there were proposals to send large groups of inmates to other centers, but only one branch of the camp was eventually established in Berlin-Ludwigsfelde. Due to the growing need for new units on the eastern front, the camp also sent inmates to special Waffen-SS and police units (Bewährungseinheiten) in which convicts could get a reduction of part of their sentence. Numerous attempts to establish new SS and police penal camps failed and the Maćkowy camp remained the largest center of this kind until the end of the war. It was evacuated in February 1945.

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Tom 18 Nr 2 (2011)


Data publikacji:

Dział: Varia