
Tom 26 Nr 2 (2015)


Dział: Studia

Pisanie historii przemocy seksualnej: przekraczanie granic

Pamięć i Sprawiedliwość, Tom 26 Nr 2 (2015), strony: 27-37

Data publikacji: 2015-12-30


Writing the History of Sexual Violence – Beyond Borders The article reviews the present research and discourses on rapes committed by Red Army soldiers in Hungary. The article after defining two analytical frameworks present in the Hungarian historiography, the intentionalist and the structuralist, tries to overcome this dichotomy with analysing visual sources.

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Beck B., Wehrmacht und sexuelle Gewalt. Sexualverbrechen vor deutschen Militärgerichten 1939–1945, Paderborn 2004.

Flaschka M., “Race, Rape and Gender in Nazi Occupied Territories” (rozprawa doktorska), Kent State University 2009.

Katz S.T., Thoughts on the Intersection of Rape and Rassen[s]chande during the Holocaust, ”Modern Judaism” 2012, nr 32 (3), s. 293–322.

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Mulhauser R., The Historicity of Denial: Sexual Violence against Jewish Women during the War of Annihilation, 1941–1945 [w:] Gendered Wars. Gendered Memories. The Feminist Imagination – Europe and Beyond Series, red. A.G. Altinay, A. Pető, Ashgate 2015.

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Pető A., Az elmondhatatlan emlékezet. A szovjet katonák által elkövette nemi erőszak Magyarországon, „Rubicon” 2014, nr 2, s. 44–49.

Pető A., Death and the Picture. Representation of War Criminals and Construction of Divided Memory about WWII in Hungary [w:] Faces of Death. Visualising History, red. A. Pető, K. Schrijvers, Pisa 2009, s. 39–57.

Pető A., Hungary 70: Non-remembering the Holocaust in Hungary, ”Culture and History Digital Journal” 2014, nr 3 (2), e016 eISSN 2253-797Xdoi: http://dx.doi.org/10.3989/chdj (dostęp 6 I 2014 r.).

Pető A., Memory and the Narrative of Rape in Budapest and Vienna [w:] Life after Death. Approaches to a Cultural and Social History of Europe during the 1940s and 1950s, red. D. Schumann, R. Bessel, Cambridge 2003, s. 129–149.

Pető A., Przemilczane gwalty, „Pamieć.pl” 2014, nr 11, s. 33–38.

Sexual Violence against Jewish Women during the Holocaust, red. S.M. Hedgepeth, R.G. Saidel, Hanover 2010.

Sinnreich H., “And It Was Something We Didn’t Talk about”: Rape of Jewish Women During the Holocaust, ”Holocaust Studies” 2008, nr 14(2), s. 1–22.

Sontag S., Regarding the Pain of Others, New York 2003.

Timm A., “Sex with a Purpose. Prostitution, Venereal Disease, and Militarized Masculinity in the Third Reich, ”Journal of the History of Sexuality” 2002, nr 11 (1/2), s. 253.

Walzer M., Just and Unjust Wars: A Moral Argument with Historical Illustrations, New York 1977.


Tom 26 Nr 2 (2015)


Data publikacji:

Dział: Studia