
Nr 9 (2016)


Dział: Dokumenty

Rozpracowanie i likwidacja oddziału Stanisława Orłowskiego „Pioruna” w świetle wybranych dokumentów

Marzena Autuchiewicz

Oddział Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej w Białymstoku

Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, Nr 9 (2016), strony: 253–278

Data publikacji: 2023-04-05


Stanisław Orłowski, nick-named “Thunderbolt”, started his clandestine activity during the Second World War, first within the structure of the Peasants’ Guard, and from 1943 under the Home Army. He did not give up fighting for a free Poland after the Soviets’ entry to the district of Augustów in 1944. In spring 1946, he established his own unit; one, however, to be left outside of the structure of the Citizens’ Home Army. The Poviat Office of the Public Security in Augustów made multiple attempts to crack down on the group led by the “Thunderbolt”. During autumn 1949, it managed to set up an ambush which nobody but Stanisław Orłowski managed to survive. At that time, “Thunderbold” started cooperating with the unit of Edmund Krysiuk and Eugeniusz Gołębiewski, and afterwards with Edward Topczewski, nick-named the “Hatchet”. He was killed on 30th August 1952 during a manhunt launched by officers of the Security Office and the Internal Security Corps.

Autuchiewicz, M. (2023). Rozpracowanie i likwidacja oddziału Stanisława Orłowskiego „Pioruna” w świetle wybranych dokumentów. Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, (9), 253–278. Pobrano z https://czasopisma.ipn.gov.pl/index.php/pa/article/view/2142


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Nr 9 (2016)


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Dział: Dokumenty