
Nr 9 (2016)


Dział: Zasób archiwalny

Akta tajnych współpracowników kategorii B-10

Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, Nr 9 (2016), strony: 83–120

Data publikacji: 2023-04-05


In accordance with the ‘Instruction on the principles and manner of handling archival acts’ in the Ministry of the Interior, as annexed to Regulation no. 034/74 of the Minister of the Interior of 10 May 1974, personal files of secret collaborators archived in the years 1974–1985 should be assigned the archiving category of “A” or “B-30”, while work files should be given the category “B-15” respectively. However, personal files of some secret collaborators, which were archived at that time, were assigned the category “B-10”, while work files the category “B-5” respectively. The Instruction states that category “B-10” should refer only to personal files of candidates for secret collaborators, i.e. persons who had not been collaborating with the Security Service. On this basis, a hypothesis was formulated that the personal files of secret collaborators under the category of “B-10” referred to persons who had factually not taken up collaboration with the Security Service (despite being formally registered as secret collaborators). To verify the hypothesis, an initiative was undertaken to examine all personal files of secret collaborators under the category of “B-10” which were archived in the Voivodeship Headquarters of the Citizens’ Militia/the Voivodeship Offices of the Interior in the years 1974–1985 by three Divisions: III, III-1, and III-A/V. A thorough analysis made it possible to confirm the formulated hypothesis. Furthermore, instructions concerning the operational work of the secret collaborators and training manuals from the Ministry of the Interior also point out that the essence of the secret collaborators’ collaboration with the State Security consisted in providing operationally valuable information. If there was no such information in the work files of a secret collaborator, officers of the “C” Division could not assign category “B-10” to the respective files. Starting from 1985, the “C” Divisions of the Voivodeship Offices of the Interior were to follow a rule stating that a notice on the year of missing files would be placed on the cover of the files, memorandum on the preparation of the files and E-14 cards. This fact confirmed that the archiving category of the files contained important information – the evaluation of the operational value of the documents.


Nr 9 (2016)


Data publikacji:

Dział: Zasób archiwalny