View No. 2 (2013)

No. 2 (2013)


Section: Studia i artykuły

The activity of the women in the communist party and in the League of Women in the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University (1944–1956)

Marcin Kruszyński

Instytut Pamięci Narodowej Oddział w Lublinie

Komunizm: system-ludzie-dokumentacja, No. 2 (2013), pages: 5-26

Publication date: 2013-12-30


Many communist theorists gave prominence to issues of women’s equality. Not only the Karol Marx, but also the Włodzimierz Lenin underlined the problem of sexual inequality in bourgeois society in his journalism. In consequence of this, the bolshevik government of the Soviet Union placed sexual equality at the top of the agenda for social transformation. Bolshevik political rhetoric emphasized the equality of women as a central communist goal during and after the revolution. The same rules and the same standards were obligatory in Poland and generally in the Eastern Europe after 1945. Especially the League of Women had to personifed women`s equality in the new polish society. The text describes the activity of the “communist women” in the Maria Curie–Skłodowska University (MCSU) in Lublin in the period between 1944–1956. The basic question the author of the article was concerned with was to what kind of women were involved in communist party (Polish United Workers` Party) in MCSU and how The League of Women worked in the MCSU. A large part of the article was also devoted to the characteristics of the women who participated in the MCSU's Leaugue and communist party.

Kruszyński, M. (2013). The activity of the women in the communist party and in the League of Women in the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University (1944–1956). Komunizm: System-Ludzie-Dokumentacja, (2), 5–26. Retrieved from



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                            View No. 2 (2013)

No. 2 (2013)


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Dział: Studia i artykuły