View No. 11 (2022)

No. 11 (2022)


Section: Studia

Collaboration with the Bolsheviks during the Soviet invasion of Poland in 1920 exemplified by the Biała Podlaska region

Dariusz Magier

Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities, Poland

Komunizm: system-ludzie-dokumentacja, No. 11 (2022), pages: 55-74

Publication date: 2023-06-26


The invasion of the Bolsheviks on Poland in 1920, as well as Polish contact with the communist ideology and the Soviet army left traces in the human psyche and socio-political life for years to come. Although the Bolshevik occupation of areas of central Poland did not last long, it offered numerous insights and observations that had a great impact on the awareness of the population, determined their worldview and perception of the Soviet Union throughout the interwar period. One of the issues was the cooperation of individuals or representatives of extreme left political and social organisations with the invader. This article presents an analysis of collaboration with the Bolsheviks in the region of Biała Podlaska, which is similar to the territory of the district court in Biała Podlaska. The post-war prosecutions and trials against people supporting the occupier constitute the main historical source of this study. The author attempts to identify the causes, types and consequences of the collaboration of Polish citizens with the Bolsheviks in August 1920.

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Magier, D. (2023). Collaboration with the Bolsheviks during the Soviet invasion of Poland in 1920 exemplified by the Biała Podlaska region. Komunizm: System-Ludzie-Dokumentacja, (11), 55–74.



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Dział: Studia