
Nr 1 (2019)



What is ‘Politics of History’? Concerning Poland’s Raison d’État (ad vocem)

Jan Pomorski


Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin, Poland

Institute of National Remembrance Review, Nr 1 (2019), strony: 33-65

Data publikacji: 2019-12-30



The term ‘politics of history’ can be encountered in the narratives created by three distinct types of social practice: (1) the social practice of research (‘politics of history’ is the subject of the research, and not the practice); (2) the social practice of politics (‘politics of history’ is practiced, and may be either an instrument for gaining and retaining power, and/or an instrument for realising the state’s raison d’état); (3) the social practice of memory (where the practice of ‘politics of history’ also has a place, and is synonymous with ‘politics of memory’). The author argues that political raison d’état requires Poland to pursue an active politics of history which should be addressed abroad, and proposes that its guiding ideas should be based on three grand narratives: (1) the fundamental role of ‘Solidarity Poland’ in the peaceful dismantling of the post-Yalta system in Europe, (2) the Europe of the Jagiellonians, and (3) the Europe of the Vasas, as constructs simultaneously geopolitical and civilisational, in which Poland performed an agential function.

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Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Institute of National Remembrance Review

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Nr 1 (2019)


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