Submission Preparation Checklist

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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
Author Guidelines
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Author Guidelines

The Institute of National Remembrance Review (INRR) accepts essays, original research papers, overviews of the state of research, papers presenting the remembrance institutions, and the overviews of the books.

The preferred languages of submitted papers are Polish, English and Russian, however papers in the authors’ mother tongues will also be admitted, if translation services in those languages are available to the Editorial Board.

The submitted text is initially evaluated by members of the Editorial Board. Editorial Board may accept, reject or return the text submitted with demand for amendments, adjustments or changes. Amended or initially accepted papers are passed to the reviewers competent in the field (see Review policy). After completion of the peer review process the Editorial Board passes the text to the Institute of National Remembrance Publishing House, which commissions the translation (if the text is submitted in language other than English) (the translation could be exceptionally commissioned prior to peer review process, if the paper was initially accepted by Editorial Board and the reviewers do not read in the original language of the text submitted). The translation is overviewed by responsible editor, and then by editor-in-chief and language editor. After overview and edition, translation is passed to the Institute of National Remembrance Publishing House, which commissions the proofreading. Language editor and editor-in-chief accept then the translation after proofreading. The final version is presented for acceptance to the author. For the general obligations of the Editorial Board and authors, see Publication Ethics.

The author has the right to withdraw the submitted text on every stage of the editorial process up to the moment of making of the publication contract (then the terms of termination of contract apply).


General guidelines

Submissions, inquiries, etc. should be posted per email to Authors are encouraged to register and submit the papers via the periodical’s editorial system.

Submissions should follow the Chicago Manual of Style rules. The citations should be in the author-date system.

Authors are expected to submit a file in MS Word format (.docx or .doc) or .rtf format with text formatted in Times New Roman font (12 pt.).

The text of the paper should contain following sections:

  • Author/Authors: First Name, Surname, academic title, affiliation (institution name, city, country), researcher’s academic identifier (ORCID, Researcher ID, national research ID reference number, etc.);
  • Paper’s title; the book's overview should cite its publication details, including the publisher and pagination (see below).
  • Abstract: approximately 50-200 words (ca. 300-1200 characters);
  • Keywords: a short list of the keywords, mentioned in the abstract;
  • Financial disclosure (if applied): a short statement on the funding of the paper (grant reference number, name of the financing institution, project’s title, etc.) (see Explanations on the reliability concerning authorship disclosure of submitted papers and the participation of third parties in its creation part of the Author's declaration );
  • Authorship/institutional disclosure (if applicable): a short description of the share of work between the co-authors, or authorship of parts of the texts, the research assistance obtained, research projects or seminars in the course of preparing the submitted paper, and finally an acknowledgement of any institutional or personal help/guidance obtained (see Explanations on the reliability concerning authorship disclosure of the submitted papers and the participation of third parties in its creation part of the Author's declaration );
  • Main body of the text: subdivisions as chosen by the author; subdivisions in presentations of remembrance institutions should generally follow the schedule specified below.
  • Bibliographical reference to the original edition of the paper (in case of translation and/or reworked version of the published text).
  • References: bibliography according to the Chicago Manual of Style.

Illustrations should be submitted separately in form of JPG/JPEG files of print-quality (300 dpi or higher), with information on their contents, the date when they were taken, references (if taken from archival/library resources), and copyright.

Any names and titles originally written in Russian or other Slavic alphabets in the body of the text and in the author-date citations should be transcribed following the Library of Congress romanisation system. The names and titles originally written in Russian or other Slavic alphabets in the ‘References’ section should be identically transcribed.


Papers and essays

The INRR accepts original scholarly papers and essays concerning the 20th century history of Poland and other countries Central and Eastern Europe, according to the themes of planned issues. The Editorial Board may admit papers published previously in other languages than English (in peer-reviewed journals or collections of studies), that meet the thematic scope assumed in the plan for the upcoming issues.

The INRR will not accept unchanged chapters of books, and papers submitted to other journals and publishing houses.

The submitted paper should not exceed 40 thousand characters.


Presentations of Remembrance Institutions

The INRR accepts papers presenting remembrance institutions. The Editorial Board may choose the institution, and purposely commission a paper about the selected institution to fit the planned theme of the issue. Otherwise, potential authors are encouraged to contact the Editorial Board prior to submitting the paper.

The presentation of the Place of Memory (remembrance institution) should follow the below mentioned structure; the main body of the text should generally contain the following sections:

  • History of the protected site, respectively of the collections, archives, etc. in the care of the institution;
  • History of the institution, its concepts and activities;
  • Structure and tasks of the institution;
  • Exhibitions and education events;
  • Research resources (archives, collections, libraries — with general references to the terms of its use) and possibilities (internships, academic journals, research projects, etc.);
  • Contact details and social media accounts of the institution.

The paper should not exceed 40 thousand characters.


Book overviews

The INRR accepts critical overviews of recent and key historical publications concerning Central and Eastern Europe edited in regional mother tongues (and therefore not available to English speakers).

Such overviews should not exceed 20 thousand characters, however texts of volume up to 40 thousand characters will be admitted exceptionally.

The book’s overview should provide brief information about the book’s author(s) and their other achievements (as well as its position in the research field), a clear outline of the book’s contents, the methods used, the most important features of the book, and its overall relationship with other findings and more generally within the state of research of the field.

The reviewers are encouraged to state their own positions and assessments in the overview, as well as the relations between the discussed book(s) and the set of problems considered in it, however the main focus is on informing the English scholarly reader on the contents and context of the overviewed publication. The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject unfair or biased overviews.

The overview’s title should cite the details of the overviewed publication: Author’s(s’) name(s), publishing year, title (in italics), translation of the title in English (in square brackets), number of pages, and its ISBN/ISSN number.


Peer review policy.

The Institute of National Remembrance Review is a peer-reviewed journal. The review form and rules of reviewing are available here. The journal follows the policy of double-blind peer review.


Authors’ declaration and editorial reliability information

Authors will be required to file a declaration stating that the submitted paper has not been published previously in English, nor has been submitted to another academic journal or publishing house, is original, and its content does not infringe the copyright of any third parties. The disclosure of the authorship share and/or financial/institutional aid in the course of the paper’s writing is also required. See Publication ethics, chapters Authors’ obligations, Anti-plagiarism policy, Anti-duplication policy, Ghost authorshipguest writing, gift authorship.