No. 5 (2023)

About the journal

The periodical is addressed to the English-speaking readers. The aim of the journal is to fairly present the problems of the recent history of Poland and Central Europe under two totalitarian regimes. Each of the issues of the journal will be an interdisciplinary collection of studies on a selected problem in the history of the former Communist bloc countries. Apart of academic papers, it will also include presentations of remembrance institutions and museums in Central and Eastern Europe commemorating the period of war, occupation and Communist dictatorship. Review papers concerning publications in the mother tongue of individual countries will also be published.

The INRR is included in the European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Library of Science repository, Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (CEJSH) index, Index Copernicus Journals Master List, and in Polska Bibliografia Naukowa.

The electronic versions of papers published are stored in the repository on this webpage, and in the journal's profile in the Library of Science repository, the PDF files are passed to the Polish National Library as electronic obligatory copies, the printed copies of the journal are obligatory passed to the National Library of Poland and other libraries entitled to obtain obligatory copies of prints as required by the Act of 7 November 1996 r. on obligatory library copies and the Ordinance of the Minister of Culture and Arts of 6 March 1997.

The INRR is enclosed in the list of academic periodicals published by Polish Ministry of Education and Science (identifier 501842) within the research branches 'History', "Security Sciences", and "Political and Administration Sciences". The number of research evaluation points allocated to the single publication in the INRR is 40. (more)

Evaluation points allocated by the Ministry of Education and Science:

40 (lists of 2023, and 2024; 40 - list of December 1, 2021; 20 - list of February 9, 2021).

Fields: history, archival studies
Disciplines: history, security studies, political and administration studies

Editor-in-chief: Franciszek Dąbrowski PhD

Editorial Team

Visitor statistics by country
(current year)

Call for papers

The periodical is accessible online without any charge.

The readers are not required to register to read and download the papers.

For authors

The papers should be submitted by email:

The Authors are advised to see the Guidelines for Authors section before sending any papers.

The Authors are encouraged to register themselves and submit the papers via editorial system panel, or, if already registered, can simply log in and begin the five-step process.

For reviewers

For the printed copies please contact the Editorial Board: or Institute of National Remembrance Publishing House: Please take note that some of the issues may be already out of stock.

The digital repository operates with OAI-PMH protocol. The requests for deposition in electronic databases and repositories, or transfer of the bibliographic data should be filed with Editorial Board:

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