Afficher No 2 (2013)

No 2 (2013)


Section: Studia i artykuły

Ustanowienie Rzecznika Praw Obywatelskich a problemy administracji państwowej w Polsce w końcu lat osiemdziesiątych XX wieku

Michał Bartoszewicz

Politechnika Opolska

Komunizm: System - Ludzie - Dokumentacja, No 2 (2013), pages: 189-201

Publication date: 2013-12-30


The article is concerning the political and legal cirmumstances of establishing the Human Rights Defender (ombudsman) in 1987. It was the second ombudsman created in East and Central Europe (after former Yugoslavia) before the transition period (since 1989). Following the review of the main reasons of passing the Act of 15 July 1987 on the Human Rights Defender author analysies rules of appointment of the Defender, the measures which shall be taken by the Defender on a request of citizens or on the Defender’s own initiative. Due to The Defender duty to report the Sejm each year about his/her activities and on the observance of the liberties and rights of a human and a citizen it is worth mentioning which problems concerning relations administration of the state to its citizens were the most important in the years 1988-1989. The bureaucracy of these days seemed to be inefficient, often using predominance over the individual. However some of the sources of these problems had the objective nature resulting among others factors from the condition of the legal system. When this aspect is concerned the situation at present has not improved much.

Bartoszewicz, M. (2013). Ustanowienie Rzecznika Praw Obywatelskich a problemy administracji państwowej w Polsce w końcu lat osiemdziesiątych XX wieku. Komunizm: System - Ludzie - Dokumentacja, (2), 189–201. Consulté à l’adresse



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                            Afficher No 2 (2013)

No 2 (2013)


Data publikacji:

Dział: Studia i artykuły