View No. 12 (2023)

No. 12 (2023)


Section: Studia

The Alexandrov Choir as a tool of Soviet propaganda (on the example of the 1946 and 1951 tours in Poland)

Wiktor Węglewicz

Wiktor Węglewicz – a holder of a Doctorate in History. His area of research includes the history of Polish-Ukrainian relations in the first half of XX century, the history of prisoners of war and internees in East-Central Europe between 1914 and 1924, the history the Polish Army in years 1918–1921 and the history of the USSR. He is a Scholarship recipient of National Science Centre in the “Etude 6” competition (internship at the Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute) and the Visegrad Fund.

Komunizm: system-ludzie-dokumentacja, No. 12 (2023), pages: 36-53

Publication date: 2024-02-06


The article deals with the use of the Alexandrov Choir as a tool of Soviet propaganda outside the USSR. Two concert tours in People’s Poland in 1946 and 1951 are used as an examples. The history of the ensemble up to the 1940s is presented, both tours are discussed, the propaganda content with which the Soviet artists performed in front of audiences is shown, and the achieved results are analyzed.

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Węglewicz, W. (2024). The Alexandrov Choir as a tool of Soviet propaganda (on the example of the 1946 and 1951 tours in Poland). Komunizm: System-Ludzie-Dokumentacja, (12), 36–53.



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No. 12 (2023)


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Dział: Studia