Etyka publikacji

Publication ethics

The “Institute of National Remembrance Review” Editorial Board endeavors to follow the ethical standards of conduct in relations with the authors, reviewers, authors of the translations, members of the Academic Board and with the engaged third parties. The standards of practices used follow in general the guidelines set by the Committee on Publication Ethics.

The “Institute of National Remembrance Review” Editorial Board seeks to publish the texts of significant academic value and unquestionable original character. For this reason the editorial board strives to shape the editorial and reviewing process after the strict rules providing the impartiality and integrity of assessment and aiming at raising the academic quality of the papers.

The authorship (and eventual contributorship, i.e. contributions of research assistants, tutors, etc., as well as share of authorship and/or contributorship) of the papers must be clearly stated on the stage of submitting of the text, with the marking of the academic ID (ORCID or other) and academic and/or institutional affiliation of the author/s (contributor/s) (see the Author’s declaration and Explanations on the reliability concerning authorship disclosure of the submitted papers and the participation of third sides in its creation linked in the Guidelines for the Authors). The filing of the abovementioned Author’s declaration is obligatory before the publication.

The allegations of misconduct (especially concerning plagiarism, idea, data or query appropriation, or other authorship and contributorship matters, as well as conflict of interest) will be examined immediately by the Editorial Board with the participation of the Academic Board and competent Institute of National Remembrance authorities, and with use of available verification tools (including plagiarism detection systems and additional review). The Editorial Board reserves the right to withdraw the questionable texts from periodical’s website and cooperating repositories and replace it with remarks containing information on grounds and date of withdrawal. The access to the retracted papers for the legal or research purposes is guaranteed on the separate request. The reservation of appropriate legal measures applies. The Editorial Board is entitled to share the information on suspected or found misconduct with other professional and / or academic bodies, especially other academic periodicals’ editorial boards and academic societies. In cases of interest conflict, the persons affected will be excluded from the decision-making process.

To exclude the conflicts of interests that could emerge in the editorial or reviewing process, the Editorial Board will not let the reviewing of the submitted texts to the persons related to the authors, their supervisors, tutors, promoters, reviewers of the text submitted in the academic degree proceedings, persons entitled to make financial decisions in author’s benefit, or persons being in publicly acknowledged or declared personal conflict with the author. The texts submitted to the other periodicals or publishing houses for the publication in English, or previously published in English will not be accepted.

The source data, datasets, publications and documents cited or embedded in the submitted texts must offer clear bibliographical description or collection description, enabling the unhindered opportunity of verification.

The texts handling vulnerable personal data, confidential data, concerning vulnerable populations, or containing opinions that could be considered as libelous will be consulted by Editorial Board members with competent Academic Board members, and with the legal branch of the Institute of National Remembrance. The reviewers of the texts in question will be additionally briefed on such passages.

The polemics with previously published texts as well as replies or letters to the editor will be accepted to publish (in the periodical’s printed version and on the periodical’s own website and in the cooperating repositories) with the reservation of editorial board’s right to terminate the discussion when in its assessment the debatable questions were cleared.

The implementation of the corrections, adjustments and supplements in the periodical’s website and cooperating repositories (as well as publishing of correction note in printed editions of following periodical issues) is guaranteed after additional editorial board’s assessment or – in adequate cases – additional peer review. The corrections caused by founding of misconduct (especially plagiarism), conflict of interests, etc., will be implemented accordingly by the Editorial Board on its own behalf.

Complaints concerning the periodical’s contents should be sent to the Editorial Board ( The Editorial Board will confirm the reception of complaint, and inform the claimant on the legal status of complaint, the procedure of its handling, person responsible for further contacts and the foreseen term of complaint’s settlement. In cases of interest conflict, the persons affected will be excluded from the decision-making process.

The Editorial Board will seek to follow the guidelines of the COPE flowcharts of conduct concerning the editorial ethics and procedures.