Ansehen Nr. 3 (2014)

Nr. 3 (2014)


Section: Studia i artykuły

Funkcjonowanie kół PPR przy Więzieniu Mokotów w Warszawie (1946–1948)

Komunizm: System - Ludzie - Dokumentacja, Nr. 3 (2014), pages: 87-103

Publication date: 2014-12-30


Prison Warsaw–Mokotów located at Rakowiecka 37 enrolled shameful in the history of Polish years 1944-1956. During this period in Mokotowskie prison functioned 4 wheel PPR , which focused around 75 members (of which came at the meeting of 30 States – 40 %). At the end of 1948, just before the unification of the party in all circles operating in jail Mokotów was centered 126 members. The analysis of the protocols of meetings that a common theme that was raised, the discipline of work. The prison officers will join the competition after the elimination of sleeping at the time of service at the police station, being late to work, coming to work intoxicated, excessive consumption of paper, water and electricity. Secretaries encouraged to be active members of the PPR that through training, employees MBP can obtain knowledge of the political situation that prevails in Europe and Poland, and that will be more " immune to all the promptings of the enemies of democracy." Hence, calling for the submission of the people who are more politically pounded to take care of those employees who have problems with reading and writing to teach them to understand the problems of communist ideological thinking. In the spring of 1948, the party meetings proceeded in accordance with a planned party line, which is nice to prepare members of the party to the unification movement PPR and PPS. Another nagging problem that was raised at party meetings, the presentation of the August Plenum of the Central Committee of the PPR, which were discussed issues Władyslaw Gomułka accusations of right-wing deviation.

Charczuk, W. (2014). Funkcjonowanie kół PPR przy Więzieniu Mokotów w Warszawie (1946–1948). Komunizm: System - Ludzie - Dokumentacja, (3), 87–103. Abgerufen von



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                            Ansehen Nr. 3 (2014)

Nr. 3 (2014)


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Dział: Studia i artykuły